How I Hired Over 30 Employees Online | Step by Step (Amazon FBA)

Shane Catchpole


In this video, I'm sharing insights into optimizing the hiring process based on my experience of running it approximately 50 times. I highly recommend the book "Who: The A Method for Hiring" for a solid understanding of the process. The hiring journey consists of four essential stages: application, phone interview, technical assignment, and the final interview.


A key element I delve into is the creation of a scorecard, a comprehensive document that clearly outlines the expected outcomes from candidates. These outcomes range from managing advertising budgets to achieving specific ratings, and the scorecard serves to bring objectivity to the hiring process by assigning probabilities based on quantifiable goals.

The scorecard is structured with main requirements, outcomes, and bonus "nice-to-haves." I provide a template, including a brief job description, benefits, and detailed requirements and outcomes. This will be linked below.

Phone Interview

The 30-minute call assesses communication skills, English proficiency, and aligning what experience the candidates have. Uncovering weaknesses is crucial for evaluating self-awareness, a key trait for success in any company. The interview template, available in the link below, maintains a consistent layout for easy candidate comparisons. This structure is critical for accurate evaluations.

Technical Assignment

Once you've progressed through the initial stages, the next step is to design a technical assignment tailored to the specific role. This is particularly relevant for positions like IT support managers, content marketers, advertisers, software engineers, etc. A well-crafted technical assignment offers a practical view of candidates' skills without consuming too much of your time.For example, if hiring a Support Manager responsible for handling customer tickets, the assignment could involve recording a video or crafting responses to sample tickets.In the case of an advertiser, you might ask them to conduct an advertising analysis or optimization using a spreadsheet with dummy data. For a content specialist, the assignment could involve completing a content project, showcasing their technical proficiency in a practical scenario.

Assignments typically have a two to three-day timeframe, and it's crucial to confirm with candidates that they are committed to completing the assignment. This confirmation helps ensure candidates prioritize the task, providing a clearer understanding of their dedication to the hiring process. Keep in mind that assignments are paid to respect the candidates' time and effort.

Final Interview

The final interview is a crucial step, and it's essential to keep the process condensed to maintain candidate engagement. This one-hour interview is divided into two parts.

1. Job History Deep Dive:

  • Go through their job history chronologically.
  • Ask detailed questions, such as strengths and weaknesses according to previous bosses, experience working in teams, and reasons for leaving each job.
  • Dig deeper into any red flags or discrepancies from earlier stages.
  • Use this part to verify and elaborate on information obtained in the phone interview.

2. Skill and Characteristic Assessment:

Depending on the role and experience level:

  • For Less Experienced Candidates:
  • Conduct a competency-based interview.
  • Ask for examples of when they demonstrated key characteristics related to the job.
  • E.g., analytical skills, hard work, learning new skills, or taking charge of a project.
  • For More Experienced Candidates:
  • Go deeper into their direct experience.
  • Ask for significant wins and losses in areas relevant to the role.
  • E.g., biggest win in analytics or client delivery, and their biggest failure.
  • Assess their honesty, ability to learn from mistakes, and resilience.

The Offer

Once you identify a strong candidate, consider making a conditional offer during a call. This allows for real-time negotiation and confirmation of mutual interest. Include details like salary, subject to professional references. Check references to validate the candidate's claims, adding another layer of security to ensure a good fit for both parties.


If possible, use a local assistant or HR person familiar with the country's cultural nuances when hiring in a different location. This helps navigate local customs and understand the legitimacy of certain requests.

Job Contract:

Draft an online job contract covering discussed expectations, confidentiality, vacation days, and terms. Although not legally binding, it serves as a commitment based on trust and mutual understanding.

Final Note

The detailed hiring process not only benefits you but also communicates to potential hires that working for your company is a valued opportunity. It instills confidence in your team about the quality of new additions, reinforcing the importance of each individual in building a successful company.

Here is the Scorecard Template

Here is the Phone Interview Template