$178,548 Increase In Revenue With Into Profits
Increased Sales
Increased Profit
Image Optimization
Brand Story
Amazon Store
Backend Search Terms

The Problem

Jamie (the founder) was heavily involved in developing his brand, but as it grew and expanded its range of products, he wanted to scale into other marketplaces. The problem is he lacked the time and bandwidth to do so.

As a result, Jamie decided to partner with Into Profits (us) to add a professional and sophisticated (yet cost-effective) Amazon advertising team to his business.

Jamie hoped for an immediate boost in sales and profits, plus the support necessary to expand his business exponentially.

Let's explore what we did and how it worked out:

The Solution

Advertising (PPC)


→ The advertising spend of the account showed that they are efficiently spending on ads that is resulting in a low ACoTS giving us the room to expand, target broader audiences, increase in subscribers and  brand awareness to generate more revenue long term.


→ Using our Uniques process we identified areas of expansion where we could launch further targeted advertising. We also launched a broader targeting by targeting the exact terms in phrase and broad to widen our reach.

We broadened their ad types by adding Sponsored Brands to enhance brand awareness and being a replenishable product we utilised Sponsored Display Ads to engage and re-engage audiences who had previously viewed or purchased the product.


→ The current structure focuses more on exact targeting, which is good for focused and organic ranking purposes, but it may lead to limited reach and missed opportunities as your ads may not be shown to users who use slightly different variations or related search terms. This can result in lower impressions and potentially fewer clicks, limiting your overall campaign performance.

One of the main goals we had set was increasing the number of subscribers we had. To do this we launched campaigns targeting all ad types. We teamed that up with our Tiered System to isolate those top, middle and low performers campaigns each with their own set of targets, alongside using our Analysis tool (available free on our YouTube) to collate all the top terms with laser focus.

Conversion (+SEO)

A+ Content → CVR

Prior to coming onboard with IntoProfits, Jamie already had A+ content for a selection of his products. With that, Our highly skilled content team stepped in and created it for those products that were missing it.

When Amazon introduced the A+ Premium feature, we promptly seized the opportunity to upgrade their content and implement the changes. We used our winning layout which included more high quality lifestyle photos catered to the target audience along with other changes and upgrades to improve our CVR.

With the brand’s marketplace expansion, we also assisted them in creating content with translated text in German and French. 

Brand Story → CVR

With Jamie’s inspiring story, we used it to build a better connection with the customers. We highlighted the passion behind the brand and the benefits of his products. We also included the product selection for cross-selling opportunities.

Amazon Store → CVR

We optimised the Amazon storefront page to further strengthen the brand credibility and presence. We included relevant photos that best represent the products and the brand. We also utilised this store as a landing page for the Sponsored Brands ads that we launched.

Backend Search Terms → Impressions

With backend search terms being a crucial aspect to Amazon's algorithm and indexation, we took proactive measures and employed our powerful STR analysis tool to identify the top-performing keywords. We then seamlessly integrated these keywords into the backend search terms to maximise search visibility and enhance overall performance.

The Results

Sales increased by 445% in April MoM and another 58% increase in May vs April. Profitability increased by 197% in May.


Increased Profit

even in the absence of the top-selling product that makes an average of 47% monthly profit.


Increased Subscribers

a long-term benefit on profit.


Increased CVR

alongside a 13% reduction in ACoS.


Jamie's unique products and our own PPC + Conversion + SEO strategy have led to a massive increase in profit, despite occasional out-of-stock situations. He is on track to increase his revenue by $178,548 in the next year.  Now that Jamie has more time to solve his stock situation, we are excited for what the next 12 months holds.

Working with Into Profits helped Jamie save 75% of his time in his Amazon business, which is invaluable for him. He knows he has a partner in Into Profits that can scale with him so he can concentrate on expanding his product line and growing his business.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this case study. If you’d like to know whether or not you can get a similar performance increase in your business — click here to apply for your free audit today!


How Can We Make Your Brand More Profitable On Amazon?