$88,500 More Annual Profit With Better Amazon Advertising
Increased Sales
TACOS/ACoTs reduced
Image Optimization
Title Optimization
Bullet Optimization
Brand Story
Amazon Store
Backend Search Terms

The Problem

Carol, deeply involved in her business's growth and development, struggled with inventory management and complex PPC advertising as the business grew, leading to dwindling profits and mounting inventory issues.

The Solution

Visibility (Ads + Organic)


→ Using our campaign management processes and utilising negatives we cut non-performing targets and campaigns reducing their wasted spend.


→ We expanded their ad types, such as Sponsored Brands to increase brand awareness and took advantage of Sponsored Display Ads to engage and re-engage audiences who previously viewed or purchased the product.


→ We set up our Tiered System to isolate those top, middle and low performers campaigns each with their own set of targets, alongside using our Analysis tool (available free on our YouTube) to collate all the top terms with laser focus.

Conversion (+SEO)

Title → SEO, CTR, CVR
→ Carol's previous title was ok, but ok could always be better!. Using our own strategy we made some subtle changes that we know makes a positive impact in both visibility and CTR.

Main Image + Listing Images → CTR & CVR
→ Carol's main image was not of high quality, with some of the listing images missing key information and benefits. It was also lacking a cohesive layout design and lifestyle photos. We stepped and focused on enhancing to main image to showcase to the product better. On top of that, we upgraded the listing images to illustrate the products benefits, ingredients and uses.

Bullet Copy Description → CVR
→ The original product description was text heavy, with key relevant information missing. Updating this by providing a shorter but more informed bullet point description. This makes it easier for the customer to digest the correct information. This was coupled with highlighting the credibility of the brand by featuring its years in the industry, ensuring trust for the customer and standing out from the newer competitors.

A+ Content → CVR
→ Once Carol was brand registered we utilised Amazon's A+ Content. After carrying out a series of experiments, our team had figured out the winning formula! Our strategy was more emotionally engaging, grasping the customers attention while showcasing the important details and benefits of the product.

Brand Story → CVR
Using the Brand Story, we highlighted the companies founding, the passion behind the brand, and the personal connection the brand has with its customers thus reinforcing trust in the products.

Amazon Store → CVR
Creating a Storefront strengthened the brands presence. It also opened up the opportunity to cross selling of other products belonging to the brand. To add we included a page where the customers can view the best selling products within the brand.

Backend Search Terms → Impressions
Using our expert STR Analysis tool we were able to identify the highest performing targets keywords and incorporate them into the backend search terms for better indexation and optimal search visibility.

The Results

Profit increased by a whopping 78% for the month of July. An increase from $9,000 to $17,000.



With it averaging 24% before and optimized down to 9%.


Organic sales jumped

From 47% in June to 70% in July


Conversion increased

Raising from 18% previously to 24%, meaning 1 in 4 people who viewed the product purchased.


Carol's unique products and our own PPC + Conversion + SEO strategy have led to massive increase in profit, despite occasional out-of-stock situations. She is on track to increase her profit by $88,500 this year. Now that she is solving her stock situation with the freed up time we are excited for what the next 12 months holds.

Working with Into Profits helped her save 70% of her time in her Amazon business, which is invaluable for Carol. She knows she has a partner in Into Profits that can scale with her so she can focus on adding more and more products, growing her business.

We hope you've enjoyed this case study. If you'd like to know whether or not you can get a similar performance increase in your business — click here to apply for your free audit today!


How Can We Make Your Brand More Profitable On Amazon?